Free Discovery Call
Chat to Sinead about your issues and goals to discover the best support for you...
Service Description
Hello Mama, if you are feeling overwhelmed you've come to the right place. Does this sound like you? 🔥 "I can’t stop thinking about my birth experience" 🔥 "I’m so angry after giving birth, sometimes I don't want to be a mum" 🔥 "I should be happy but I'm not, I feel tired, guilty and anxious all the time" or perhaps you are looking for support in your relationship? 💘 "Why am I so angry with my husband after having a baby?" 💘 "Is it normal to have marriage problems after having a baby?" 💘 "It feels like we are room mates, he doesn't understand me anymore." IF you are feeling lonely, disconnected, anxious or overwhelmed after having a baby, book a free discovery call with me today. I would love to talk to you and help you discover how you can help yourself to help yourself. I suffered from postnatal anxiety and depression, I felt alone, isolated and afraid because my family were thousands of miles away in the UK. There is no shame in feeling this way, I can tell you now Mama, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Allow me to support you and be the village you need as you settle into this transformation of matrescence (physical, emotional, hormonal and social transformation of becoming a mother). Reach out today, I am here for you. It's good to talk. There are so many paths to recovery, let me help you find yours.

Cancellation Policy
Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions booked using this plan must first be cleared with Sinead to check that : a) the client is susceptible to hypnotherapy b) there are no medical issues that could interfere with treatment c) the client understands the capability and limitations of hypnotherapy and what is involved (24 hours notice is required to cancel a booking, any later than that and the full session will be deducted from the remaining number, or the full cost in case of an individual session. Only 3 cancellations per paid plan permitted to prevent over booking. After this sessions will be deducted if cancelled. Deposits are also non-refundable. )
Contact Details
Rozelle NSW, Australia